Individual Independent School Consultation
The counseling process always begins with a first consultation meeting. This consultation typically includes the following process, though every meeting is unique and personalized to the individual student and family situation.
We will review the student’s educational and personal profile compiled from the completed Questionnaires submitted by both student and parents prior to the consultation, and any other relevant material provided by both student and parents which will help to inform our initial meeting. Such advance materials will include academic transcripts, along with teacher comments, and a record of any standardized testing.
The informational forms will highlight your personal interests, achievements, and goals, which will help me to get to know you. I would also like to see any specialized, individual testing if the student has been evaluated by an independent or school-based psychologist or learning specialist, as this will give me insight into their particular learning needs or other educational issues.
During our first consultation meeting, we will usually spend time:
• Reviewing the student’s current and future curriculum.
• Developing a schedule for taking appropriate standardized tests, and discussing test preparation options.
• Discussing extracurricular interests, school activities and personal hobbies, summer involvements and programs, volunteer opportunities, and specialized study options.
• Guiding the student to consider their personal profile and ways to focus or expand it.
• Considering the differences between independent (private) boarding and day schools, and public schools, and how they could work in different ways for you.
• Developing a list of schools that fit your academic and personal profile, goals, and preferences.
• If appropriate, advising on athletics, visual and performing arts, or other special needs and interests and how to pursue them in a new school and during the admissions process.
• Explaining the independent school admissions process and timeline.
After the initial consultation, you may choose to schedule additional individual consultations. Or, you may decide to become Ongoing Counseling clients. Initial and additional consultations are scheduled for 60 minutes. We may meet in person in my Wilton office, by appointment in New York City, or via video or audio conference. My hours are flexible to accommodate families in various U.S. time zones, as well as international families around the world.